Post date: 20/04/2015

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Quang Binh leads localities in public administration performance index 2014

(Quang Binh Portal) - Quang Binh continues to top Vietnamese localities in terms of the Provincial Governance and Public Administration Performance Index (PAPI) which was announced in Ha Noi on April 14.

Results of PAPI 2014

The PAPI survey was jointly conducted by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Vietnam, the Centre for Community Support and Development Studies (CECODES) under the Viet Nam Union of Science and Technology Associations (VUSTA), and the Vietnam Fatherland Front.

The 2014 PAPI report was conducted by collecting opinions from over 13,500 residents nationwide. The PAPI survey scrutinises six different dimensions of provincial governance and public administration. They include citizen participation at grassroots level; transparency, openness; vertical accountability; the control of corruption in the public sector; public administrative procedures and public service delivery.

According to the 2014 PAPI results, Quang Binh is the only locality that is systematically ranked first with five of the six dimensions, including transparency, openness; vertical accountability; the control of corruption in the public sector; public administrative procedures and public service delivery.

Knownly, this is the fourth consecutive year Quang Binh province has taken the lead on the PAPI index for 4 consecutive years from 2011 to 2014. The results come are due to the public-serving attitude of the province towards the people, which help the province implement the guidelines and policies of the government efficiently, enhancing transparency in management and administration, strengthening anti-corruption, and effectively implementing the one-stop system in the administrative agencies at all levels. These are important factors affecting the performance of the governance and public administration as well as the investment climate and confidence of the people for the administration of the local government.

Started in 2009, the PAPI survey, jointly conducted by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), CECODES and the Vietnam Fatherland Front, has enabled thousands of participants to share their real experience of governance and public administration performed by authorities at grassroots levels.

Translated by Nhu Y
(Source: Quang Binh Portal)
