Post date: 14/04/2015

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Meeting with enterprises on investment survey

(Quang Binh Portal) - The Quang Binh Provincial People"s Committee has recently had a meeting with a delegation, including investors from Taiwan, China, Philippines and domestic enterprises to learn about investment climate and projects in Quang Binh.

On behalf of provincial leader, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Huu Hoai briefly introduced about natural conditions, socio-economic situation, potentials, advantages and the demands of cooperation and investment for the projects in Quang Binh, especially cave tourism, resorts, agro-forestry-fishery processing industry and thermal-electricity.

On behalf of investors, Mr. Cheng Feng Minh, a member of Formosa group from Taiwan (China) expressed his pleasure to learn about investment opportunities in the province. He said that investors are considering investing in four projects in Quang Binh.

One of the four projects is a modern large-scale livestock farm covering 600 hectares with an intended capacity to raise 4 million pigs and 100 million chickens, producing 1.5 billion USD in revenue and 20,000 jobs.

Another potential project is a high-class entertainment park with a golf course and two five-star hotels.

A third consideration is in regards to refining ore, and the final would address byproducts from the existing Formosa Steel Plant in Ha Tinh province.

Besides, investors are also hoping to implement the project of aquaculture plant in the province.

Speaking at the meeting, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee thanked a delegation for investment surveys in Quang Binh. The province would create all favorable conditions for investors to carry out site surveys, he promised.

Translated by Minh Huyen
(Source: Quang Binh Portal)

