Post date: 14/04/2015

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PPC Vice Chairman receives a delegation from U.S Embassy in Vietnam

(Quang Binh Portal) - Vice Chairman of the Provincial People"s Committee (PPC) Tran Tien Dung on April 13 had a reception with a delegation from U.S Embassy in Vietnam on the occasion of the delegation"s visit to Quang Binh.

On behalf of provincial leader, PPC Vice Chairman was very pleased to receive the delegation to Quang Binh and briefly informed of obtained results of the landmine clearance project and the operation of the Pacific Angel program.

He highly appreciated assistance of the U.S Embassy in Vietnam in implementing the training course on English teaching method for primary teachers in Quang Binh, aiming at enhancing awareness of importance of foreign language and improving the quality of teaching and studying at primary schools.

Vice Chairm Tran Tien Dung hoped that U.S embassy would continue considering to support the province for training foreign language in the coming time.

At the reception, Mr. Winston Le, a representative from U.S Embassy in Vietnam stressed the training program on English teaching method for primary teachers in Quang Binh is an activity to comemorate the 20th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the United States and Vietnam.

He expressed his hope that the training program would receive assistance from provincial authories and related agencies. Besides, he also provided some informations on scholarship programs of U.S.

Translated by Nhu Y
(Source: Quang Binh Portal)
