Post date: 13/04/2015

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Budget revenues in first quarter of 2015 rose 45.9% against the same period last year

(Quang Binh Portal) - According to information from the Department of Finance, total budget revenues in the first quarter of 2015 were estimated at VND590 billion, reached 23.6% of local estimate, rose 45.9% as compared with the same period last year.

Of which, domestic revenues were VND517.7 billion, reached 24.5% of estimate, revenues from import-export duties were VND72.3 billion, equal to 18.5% of estimate, rose 51.6% against the same period last year.

Especially, some revenues were higher than the same period, including revenues from Central State enterprises reached VND29 billion, increased by 17.8%; from local State enterprises reached VND28.8 billion, increased by 3.2%; from non-state enterprises reached VND122.6 billion, increased by 6.9%; from land use money reached VND150.7 billion, increased by 137.5%; from registration fees reached VND31.3 billion, increased by 10.4% as compared with the same period last year.

Translated by Nhu Y
(Source: Quang Binh Portal)
