Post date: 13/04/2015

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Son Doong Cave to be broadcast live on Good Morning America

(Quang Binh Portal) - In order to spread unique images of Son Doong Cave - the world’s biggest cave, to international visitors, Quang Binh provincial People’s Committee and the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) have recently agreed to broadcast live a programme on Son Doong and En caves on Good Morning America in May.

Accordingly, Oxalis Adventure Tours which provides tours of Son Doong Cave and ABC will conduct surveys on Son Doong and En caves as from mid-April.

This is a good chance for the province to promote Vietnam tourism in general and Quang Binh tourism in particular to international friends. Thus, the province will create the best possible conditions for the TV team to successfully shoot this film, Mr. Tran Tien Dung, Vice Chairman of Quang Binh provincial People’s Committee said.

Son Doong Cave - the biggest cave in the world, is over 5.5 miles long, has a jungle and river, and could fit a 40-story skyscraper within its walls. But nobody knew any of that until five years ago. A local man discovered the cave entrance in 1991, but British cavers were the first to explore it in 2009. Tour company Oxalis has been running trial tours of the cave.

Translated by Nhu Y
(Source: Quang Binh Portal)
