Post date: 01/10/2014

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The resistance against the American war of destruction

To prevent remarkable support from North Viet Nam to the revolutionary movement in the South, the US mobilized masses of air force and navy force for cruel attacks on a big scale to destroy the economy and defense of North Viet Nam.

To realize the guidance from the Politburo of the Party Central Committee, General Vo Nguyen Giap and the Central Military Commission led soldiers and civilians of North Viet Nam smashed the American conspiracy to: "Return North Viet Nam back to the Stone Age", defeating the American B52 assault over Ha Noi and Hai Phong which became known as "Dien Bien Phu in the air victory for Viet Nam. All of these victories forced the US to sign the Paris Peace Accords. The American troops were forced to return to the US.

General and Commander-in-chief Vo Nguyen Giap approving a battle plan to fight the American war plane B52 at the Headquarters of the Air Force-Air Defense (1972)

In the New Year of the Water Buffalo, 1973, President Ton Duc Thang, General Vo Nguyen Giap visiting and extending his Lunar New Year's wishes to Battalion 77, Anti-aircraft Missile Regiment 257, which showed remarkable achievements in shooting down 4 strategic aircrafts B52 in the "Dien Bien Phu in the air" (over Ha Noi), December 1972.

General Vo Nguyen Giap shaking hands with Hero Tran Hanh at the Headquarters of the Air Force-Air Defense after approving a battle plan to fight the American war plane B52 (1972).

General Vo Nguyen Giap inspecting the wreckage cockpit of F111 aircraft, the most modern plane of the US, shot down by the people of Ha Noi. This aircraft was displayed at the Military Museum (present-day the Vietnam Military History Museum), 1972

General Vo Nguyen Giap visiting the Capital Militia which not shot down American F111 aircraft (1972)

Source: "Commander-in-chief General Vo Nguyen Giap" Book
