Post date: 25/09/2014

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Dried squid

Dried squid is one of the famous specialties of the people of Quang Binh. As the squid fishing specialist, they found the levels of many types: leaf squid, squid, Octopus squid, squid pins …

Squid fishermen often go on at 1-2 am. Large boat carrying the “baskets” out to far off, the squid boats sitting on a basket and began his work. In light of the light bulb, leaves squid on! Approached, the squid up pretty easy question. Squid fishing period lasted from 2 pm to 10 am. Squid any questions, they abandoned the boat, someone specializing in skin peeling, cut squid and squid hanging in rows on the string tension available, or they will be harvesting and drying squid right at the boat dock.

When grilled squid on fire toasting skills than olive axes, not to old flame. Squid with white color, when cooked grilled yellow switch. Fire grilled just right, will mature squid, both in the outside, juicy fly breathe naturally. If too old to fire, the burning gold squid only outside, but inside the meat is still alive. Especially grilled squid is best served with alcohol.

Items not marked with squid sauce other than chili. When the squid pads heavily sweetened foods, soft, fragrant, with a pungent blend of chili. Dried squid grilled with beer to Hanoi, the famous place of all processing blocks.

Dried squid is not only baking but also fried, or roasted with sugar, chili, spices, then fried to crispy food, very charming and attractive.

Visitors can buy dried squid in the market of Quang Binh, especially in the markets of the coastal areas such as markets of Dong Hoi, Hoan Lao, Canh Duong,…

Source: quangbinhtourism
