Post date: 04/07/2024

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Border guard troops save drowning man in Quang Binh

According to Nhat Le Border Guard Station under the Quang Binh Provincial Border Guard Command, officers and soldiers from the unit recently rescued a man from drowning in the Nhat Le River.

At 5:45 p.m. on June 15, while on duty, officers and soldiers from Nhat Le Border Guard Station spotted a man drifting in the middle of the Nhat Le River. The unit immediately dispatched personnel to approach and safely bring the man to the river bank.

Nhat Le Border Guard Station' troops rescuing the victim

The victim, identified as Nguyen Van Hoa, born in 1962, was unable to remember his family address. After ensuring his health was stable, Nhat Le Border Guard Station contacted local authorities to find the victim's family.

Before taking him home, members of Hoa's family expressed deep gratitude to the officers and soldiers of Nhat Le Border Guard Station for their timely rescue of Hoa, bringing him to safety.

Source: baobienphong
